Fighting bad mood and seasonal depression without medication

Bad mood, blues and seasonal depression are the problems that almost everyone faces. And if we are not talking about serious hormonal disorders, even doctors advise to deal with these ailments by changing emotions, conditions or behavior. Changing something in your life, you also change your mood. It remains to figure out what can be changed and how. Fortunately, there are tips for all occasions and for people with different capabilities.

Tip 1. Take a trip

This is the most effective way to change the situation, because not only the interior changes, but also the city or even the country, and the people around you. The labor legislation is absolutely justified. It took care of the availability of leave for each working person. We recommend using free days not only for physical activities, but also for changing impressions.

In the cold season it is worth going to the south, to charge up with sun rays that raise the spirits of most men. In summer, it is recommended to add an active rest to the entertainment program, since physical activity helps to dispel the blues. And this has been proven by many studies.

At any time of the year, you can go for a junket tour, live in a hotel with royal luxury and try your luck in your favorite games. Professionally planned junket allows you to completely abandon the usual problems and switch exclusively to bright emotions. Excellent conditions for such tours are offered at Shangri La casinos by Michael Boettcher's Storm International.


Tip 2. Play games

The game is the easiest way to distract and enjoy life, and even children use this method perfectly. True, adults and children have different games. Adults have a wider choice. Someone likes to relax by playing computer games. Board game is a great way to bond and spend time with family and friends. Even the usual bingo or monopoly allow you to unwind well. The process forces you to think only about strategies to win. It turns out to be a great group therapy too.

Of course, games with the gambling component help to fight with the blues too. When a person is fascinated by classic card games, bright modern machines or roulette, the hormone of joy is released into the blood. Naturally, choosing this method of dealing with a bad mood, you should visit only the best gambling houses with an impeccable reputation. For example, there are several units of Shangri La (Darren Keane is CEO) in CIS, and these are the best casinos in Latvia, Georgia, Belarus and Armenia.

Tip 3. Move More

One of the causes of seasonal depression is a decrease in physical activity. With the onset of cold weather, we are moving around much less, getting hung up on the home-work routine. This is very frustrating for our body and brain. In order not to become a victim of low activity, it is worth exercising at least once or twice a week. The choice is huge for men and for women, starting with the usual gym and yoga, ending with exotic types of dancing and martial arts. If you manage to drag someone along with you, spouse or friends, your mood will recover even faster.

seasonal depression and games

Tip 4. Start a hobby

If you do not like games and physical activity, and feel better alone, get a hobby. It is not easy if you have not been into anything before. But even the search for ideas, as told later by people who used this advice, is a real pleasure. Such hobbies that take up not only the head, but also the hands are more effective: embroidery, woodcarving, even simple solitaire unfolding.

If you like the first two tips, be sure that SL Casino, Shangri La in Tbilisi, Minsk and Yerevan offers do the best for its guests.

- Обратно в раздел "Психиатрия и психология"

Оглавление темы "Лечение невротической депрессии. Невротик":
1. Психический статус при эндогенном психозе. Дифференциация психоза и невроза
2. Преморбид невротической депрессии. Лекарства при невротической депрессии
3. Валиум или седуксен при невротической депрессии. Антидепрессанты при невротической депрессии
4. Барбамил-кофеиновые растормаживания. Психотерапевтические беседы при невротической депрессии
5. Эффективность лекарств при невротическом развитии. Определение невротической депрессии
6. Динамика невротического развития. Этапы невротического развития
7. Клинические элементы невротической депрессии. Характерологические особенности невротической депрессии
8. Психопатизация невротика. Раздражительная слабость невротика
9. Утренние тревоги у невротика. Тоска у невротика
10. Дереализация и деперсонализация у невротика. Тахикардия у невротика

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